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The Wind Rises is an animated film directed by Hayao Miyazaki, following the life of Jiro Horikoshi, an aeronautical engineer in pre-World War II Japan. Voiced by Joseph Gordon-Levitt in the English version, Jiro dreams of creating beautiful aircraft but faces ethical dilemmas as his designs are used for war. The film masterfully intertwines history, romance, and aviation, exploring the cost of pursuing one’s passion in a turbulent era. Emily Blunt lends her voice to Nahoko Satomi, Jiro’s love interest, adding emotional depth to the narrative. The film’s breathtaking animation, coupled with a poignant score by Joe Hisaishi, creates a visually and emotionally immersive experience. “The Wind Rises” is a contemplative journey into creativity, love, and the moral complexities inherent in the pursuit of dreams, elegantly crafted by Miyazaki and his talented team.
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