The Nanny is a popular sitcom that aired from 1993 to 1999, created by Fran Drescher and Peter Marc Jacobson. The show stars Fran Drescher as Fran Fine, a quirky, outspoken woman from Queens who becomes the unexpected nanny for the wealthy Sheffield family in Manhattan. Maxwell Sheffield (Charles Shaughnessy), a British Broadway producer, hires Fran to care for his three children, and her unorthodox, lively approach quickly brings laughter and chaos to the household. Over time, Fran’s warm personality softens the family, and a romantic tension develops between her and Maxwell. The show features memorable supporting characters like the sarcastic butler Niles (Daniel Davis), Maxwell’s snobby colleague C.C. Babcock (Lauren Lane), and Fran’s overbearing mother Sylvia (RenĂ©e Taylor). Known for its sharp humor, cultural references, and Fran’s bold fashion, The Nanny became a beloved series with a strong fanbase.