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The Boy and the Heron is a 2023 Japanese animated fantasy film directed and written by Hayao Miyazaki. The story follows Mahito Maki, a young boy who loses his mother in a tragic hospital fire during World War II. After his father remarries, Mahito moves to the countryside, where he discovers an abandoned tower and enters a magical world guided by a talking grey heron. In this strange and enchanting world, Mahito meets unique characters like Kiriko, a fisherwoman, and Himi, a girl with pyrokinetic powers. Through his journey, Mahito learns important lessons about loss, acceptance, and the power of creation.
The film was brought to life by Hayao Miyazaki, who came out of retirement to create this deeply personal story inspired by his own experiences. The Japanese voice cast includes Soma Santoki, Masaki Suda, and Ko Shibasaki, while the English dub features Christian Bale, Dave Bautista, Gemma Chan, and Robert Pattinson. Produced by Toshio Suzuki and Koji Hoshino, with music by Joe Hisaishi and stunning visuals by cinematographer Atsushi Okui, the film has been widely praised for its breathtaking animation, emotional depth, and compelling story. It has also been a global hit, earning over $294 million worldwide.
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